This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Almost crushed !

It is possible that I am in shock from this ... but anyway, that won't stop me writing.

Last night on the way home from work, as I cruised around a roundabout at what - 45-55 mph? Within the speed limit but admittedly not slow, two cars decided they were BOTH going to change directions (one was heading off the roundabout, the other around - and they both changed to do the opposite!). Now, I was heading off the roundabout and was indicating correctly, within the speed limit for the roundabout and in my correct lane (the overtaking lane on the feed road going off the roundabout).

Neither of the other cars used their indicatiors AT ALL.

They were both superminis.

They came together right in front of me like pincers. PINCERS!

Somehow, something carried me around the edges of the cars instead of straight into and through the center. I bent a bit, sort of skidded or slid or something, thw car felt like it moved like oil, not like solid, around the edges. I don't remember clearly whether I hit anything or not, I know the car isn't damaged.

It was wierd. Really weird. Now, I believe in the strange and the unusual - but this was not at all what i was expecting. Or ... was it?

Last two nights, all I've dreamt about vividly was car accidents and being in heaven with other people. And also trying to escape evil through a house. My friends were central also to that part of the dream, we are a team said the dream. We were always meant to be a part of eachother's lives.

Last night after it happened, I dreamt peacefully and not memorably, or vividly again.

Was God warning me to make me those extra seconds secure and on tentahooks? Did He help the car to bend somehow around the accident although I was literally sailing into them quickly, brakes already hard on and not steering.

What really happened? Technically nothing - because I escaped it. But if things had been a shread different in any one area, I would be flat as a pancake by now.

'To the One who is Holy,
and the One who is pure.
Be honour and glory,
and praise evermore!
From Your throne there is mercy,
You have poured out Your grace.
And I am consumed in
the glory of Your face!'


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