This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Death (zombies) and birth (mine!)

Yes, fans at home and around the world ... on the 26th of this bonny month of September, the world gathers to celebrate exactly 27 years of life for the one that friends, enemies, admirers and axe wielding fireman alike call 'Miss Kim Kaze'. Or possibly George Morgan. Depends if they've been drinking with me before.

On Monday, which is tomorrow, I turn 27. That's SO scary if I dare to stop and really think about it. The worst part is having a Husband who is a year older than myself, meaning that I get a somber reminder every year when HIS birthday arrives, that I am encroaching on 'that age'.

All in all though, I still feel and act quite young. I believe that age itself is a very interesting thing, since you cannot escape it or stop it, speed it up or slow it down, but you can do all sorts of things within the age that you are to make each year packed with life experience and interesting, new things. Personally I am making this next year my year of 'achievement'. Personally exactly what I achieve, I don't care. I want to learn new things, get a new job, get better at stuff I already do, go new places, re visit old places long left behind, contact old friends and make new ones, you get the general idea. I don't think it's so much a five year plan; it's more of a one year stonk or sprint.

The last year if I am honest, outside of God stuff has been altogether a struggle and rather pants achievement wise. I feel rustier, unluckier than when I started, key skills seem less sharp and mooching seems to have taken hold more than is healthy to do so. I noticed fat pockets on this skinny body, which is unacceptable. Willpower's definately taken a blow or two, as has the old ego and the old desire to succeed. I have managed though to remain essentially thin, wiry and strong, not to mention healthy, thanks to God :) Cardio is pretty lame right now though. I need to swim again.

But I'm taking it all back this year coming. Oh yes. Time to 'just go for it'. Why not? I'll be 28 next time I write anything like this and by that time, I want to have done at least 80 per cent of what I wanted to do. No less. It's as simple as that. Age is more than just a number, but every year can be packed to the gills with fascinating experiences, or it can be another year of you hiding behind the walls of 'castle familiar' and becoming a 'in my day this was all fields!' lamenting machine of doom.

As for the zombie mention at the top, right now myself and a few friends (Dave, Mat, Will, chris and Dana thus far...) are playing through a great little, browser-based MMORPG with low tech graphics like a visual basic program.

It's really decent if you first read the wiki! Go to and check it out, then create a character (I recommend a cop or a fireman for a starter).


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