This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Rant - Drinking silly amounts

I find that most people put a lot of pressure on you at work to 'get bladdered'. If you don't want to get a round or two in, don't come to the pub. If you want to be in with the group, come to the pub. How do you get out of it?

I personally like to drink, but only two or maybe three pints max. It's the 'drowning your sorrows' that has got to stop. There should be a public limit on individual's consumption, making them savour their drink longer.

It would curtail 'our right' to drink excessively in public, yes. But who really ever needs to drink more than say, 5 or 6 units of alcohol at one public sitting? And who can honestly say that they don't get effected by such an amount? Only a liar, frankly.

So, there is no excuse. It should be one drink max if you are driving (preferably none, though the blood may still carry traces of booze in it so that will be hard to enforce fairly), and a max of five units of alcohol at any public sitting. People can move on if desperate to get off their face either to their home or to a club or other pub where their limit starts again. Though I would like to see clip cards that you have to produce to even get served in public, where by every drink on a certain date gets a clip taken out of the card, like a hole punch. Obviously these would have to be tested for piracy and fraudulent attacks first ... but this would mean you could only ever publically purchase so much alcohol in a 24 hour period.

And who would be the only moaners? Those who quite simply want to get drunk and can't do it at home. It's not a civil rights issue, it's a police, hospitals and national health and crime issue.

Get over it. It's not your right to get bladdered, it's mine to be safe in the city after nine and not surrounded by drunken, slurring and out of control people. Not just the young, the working age seem to be the worst.


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