This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What's the deal with ex-atheist Anthony Flew believing in a God now?

This link is to a secular, atheistic/humanistic web site (just check the buttons at the base if you don't think so). Their article, which is rather damning in places and seems a little unfair towards the very end at least, frames the basics of Anthony Flew's relatively recently recantation of athiesm, to embrace instead a rather deistic concept of God, since he has yet to experience or see evidence for personally any 'special revelation' (Christian, Islamic, Jewish or otherwise).

This on the other hand, is a Christian web site also documenting this situation.

And this is an actual interview, published Winter 2004 in a journal.

Why am I writing about it? Simple. Things change. People change. Science and knowledge changes. The way we see the Bible may also change, although the Bible itself does not. The way we view evil, good and right and wrong may also change with our growing understanding of life and what questions we even should be asking of it.

Keep your mind open. Study the facts. Hear what others have to say, especially if your current belief system is based firmly in the camp of 'I haven't ever seen it, and papers argue that your understanding of what it is that you claim to know, is faulty or false'.


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