This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Felt sick and then it got worse

There's something worse than feeling sick and being dragged off to watch a very nice movie at the IMAX ... which unfortunately you didn't feel that well before going to.

That something is having been told earlier in the day when asking what people were doing (I didn't feel well ... didn't really want to go out anyway) that someone had to leave and shrugging or whatever (since it's not my house in question it didn't effect me), that when you then ask the person whose supposed to be helping out and sorting that person whose leaving out, have they sorted it so they'l be able to get away by when it was asked that get get away by, they then blow their freaking lid at you, say that it's YOUR idea that the person leave (when it's NOT), say that you are 'used' sexually speaking (when you were married a virgin and are monogamous), saying that you are a lesbian, saying that you are around your parents house (shock gasp) more than anyone else, ever, and saying that it's none of your business, when you're quite happy to keep it that way but it is THEIR business and THEY haven't bothered to sort it out and in fact have gone and only agreed to lift someone else completely different home from Bristol Airport *at the same time*!!!

Naturally, I ended up getting quite cross at this reaction to what was a very reasonable question, something like 'Dad said so and so's meant to like, have been sorted to get home, but what you said just now hinted that you haven't sorted it at all, so what's the deal?'

Hopefully someone else sorted the individual in question out to get home from where my parents live, because HE certainly HASN'T sorted it and clearly can't handle anyone speaking to him about anything concerning this whole thing right now.

However, I don't have to listen to rudeness. Questions are not rude, and reminders are not rude, especially when it wasn't your 'dumb ass rule' in the first place you're reminding about but the owner of the house in question!


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