This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Hi! I'm millions of years old! --- a rock

A rant that started on ICQ thinking things over:

The averege guy on the street still thinks we actually have tools that measure stuff to millions of years. That needs changing. Someone just needs to stand up somewhere really important and say 'Look, actually...we can't. We make all that stuff up based around other stuff, it's all stuff pointing to more stuff'.

Today at work someone started talking about how octopus have been around millions of years and I said 'really? They haven't changed much have they, the first fossil octopus look a lot like the ones today'. They agreed and changed the topic. The fact is that the very earliest (going by secular dating methods NOT Biblical ones!) frog fossils look exactly like modern day frogs. Things don't change from their kind. Also things that are dead rot long before they can get covered slowly with sediment and get fossilised after thousands of years of time. Try it yourself at home - fossils are much better made in sudden, catastrophic occurances!

Apparently an atheistic, anti-christian evolutionist switched sides and decided God made more sense of the data. The data. Not because he wanted to believe in a God. Forget his name now but I hope to find it again. I heard about this in a meeting where it was explained that every so often, another scientist switches to belief that the earth shows more signs of catastophic occurance and design than it does being millions of years old and just 'evolving' blindly.

There is a lot more to this topic but it interests me.

Find out if evolution has ever been observed/tested ---

'Yes, I've been hearing on Radio 4 today some chap saying that they can'tteach Intelligent Design in schools because that's bringing religion intoschool - teaching Evolution is teaching science. When the interviewer askedwhy they couldn't teach alternative theories alongside each other the chapjust reiterated that one theory was belief and the other was true science -no comparison!!! It was rather annoying to hear such codswallop!' --- Mum


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Know anything about paleontology and evolutionary biology, or are you just going by what really crap anti-science websites tell you?

9:36 AM, December 21, 2005

Blogger -=Kim Kaze=- said...

The data I tend to read comes from sources that are scientific, yes. I, like you I expect, am not a professor but that doesn't prevent me from being a lay reader with intelligence to think freely for myself.

REAL scientists, not 'anti science web sites', are the source of my thoughts. I am afraid to have to be the one to tell you that there is a whole list of scientists who do not accord with the statement that 'things evolved through time into other things, kinds into other kinds, eventually reaching the living things we see today'. Scientists like those listed on this web site

who I am sure would be happy to explain to you why they do not believe that given enough time and chance, goo turned into you.

Oh, and killer? I actually did used to believe in evolution. I changed my mind based on reading evidences and arguments from scientist to scientist.

6:58 PM, December 21, 2005

Blogger -=Kim Kaze=- said...

In closing, don't bother posting a comment to this blog post unless it has a rebuttal to a specific factual thing or a point. Simply stating that I am wrong and you are right doesn't constitute a point. Slagging off religion (not that this has anything to do with it - my point is FACTUAL and fossil based) isn't going to get you any airtime. Unless you have specific evidences or a topic to cite for future debate here, keep your dogma to yourself. You can have faith in whatever you wish to, as can we all. But the only real fools are those who think that others are 'blind faith people' whilst they are somehow backed by almight science. Which they're not. Because science is used accurately on every side of the issue.

It's not science vs religion, and anyone who thinks that it is, hasn't read any sites that don't support their own worldview. How unshocking.

1:22 PM, December 24, 2005


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