This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Muslim letter to Tony Blair

I have Muslim friends and am not anti-Muslim or anti any-persons. What I am is opinionated and not PC, and anti behaviours or bad concepts which I consider dangerous, immoral or just plain wrong.


I have concerns about the letter arriving today in the hands of Tony Blair from Muslim leaders around the UK, calling for change to the UK's policy abroad which is 'fuelling extremism'. The lack of the term 'Islamic' is rather telling, as is the fact that what this logically equates to is, no matter how you dress it up ...

'Anything that may cause followers of Islam to feel the need to act as terrorists should not be in our policy in the UK'

That is simply not the solution, nor is it actually the issue either. Why do I say this? The UK is one of many nations including Egypt, Bali, the US and many others that have been attacked by Islamic terrorists; terrorists who follow Islam reguardless of how politically correct it is to state thus or not. They use the life of their prophet Mohammad and the words of the Qu'ran to justify their actions, of course. The sad fact is no matter how dangerous it is to say it in this current climate, Mohammad did kill and allowed/ordered deaths, attacked and raided caravans many times, went to war, had fits where he thought at some stages he might be possessed by a demon...the list goes on. It is impossible for moderate Muslims to denounce these terrorists as acting in a non-Muslim way entirely unless they are equally willing to condemn the actions of all killings of innocents - which would include those committed by Mohammad. We have seem the Pope apologising for actions in his faith that he considers improper. I would like to see Muslims standing up and decided what exact it IS that they really believe.

A percentage of British Muslims have said as well that they will not condemn 7/7. That also doesn't help.

All in all, the letter to Tony Blair is essentially asking the UK to submit to the threat of terrorism, specifically Islamic rule and opinion. If it may fuel these people, we are not to do it, right or wrongly. The issue of the war(s) is now lost in all this, and we have to ignore the temptation to become so anti war we're willing to submit to anything anyone says who also doesn't like the war.

It's NOT our policy abroad. Many other nations who are not in Iraq have been attacked too. Our Western aid is never refused when it floods in to mostly Islamic nations during times of great need (Tsunami for example, and even now in Lebanon, Western aid is what is trying to get in). There's nothing wrong with our policy in terms of it being set against a certain brand of people ...

What it's against is war mongering and racist nations or groups of people like Hezbollah and statements such as that made by Iran's leaders and Hamas that Israel should be 'wiped off the map' and an Islamic superstate should extent to Spain.


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