This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fallen in the rain sunk city

High and wide, the invisible wall
That seperates us,
Reaching up and out,
Stretching about,
No matter the hammer
It stands tall and stout.

Nothing I say can dent it,
Everything I do does nothing.
Pain wells, frustration within me
Rings like bells.

What can I do? If I push you,
You'll run.
I am too forceful, I know.
Yet does my own suffering mean nothing?
Should I cheat to fill what I seek?
How can I, when such a thing
Is as alien to me as happiness seems to be to you?

I want so badly, contact. Friendship.
I want to see you glad to be near me.
I need to feel wanted, desired.

Right now there is an empire of sheer dirt,
That I stand within, getting hurt.
Again and again,
I insist that steel catches my arm,
Blood flows and I grimace,
Blaming others, but myself.

Why can't I just say 'I need you, and I can't actually take it any more'?
Why is that so hard?

Why do I assume they'll always run?
Perhaps I am used to alone.

No more do the words ring,
No more does the smile light me day.
No more can I walk to work smiling,
Knowing it worked. Knowing.

I take pride in what is mine.

Now I feel like a super hero sitting,
Crouched in a broken city
Dark skies rolling around
And helmet casting falling rain to the ground.
He sighs as the rain beats a rythym,
The rythym of sadness.

He failed. He didn't save anyone.
He was too late, too slow to react.
He didn't stop the dark,
He couldn't save her.

Now he is alone, left in the ruins to consider
The running fields of grass that might have been
His, theirs, to rule and to live in.

What is the point of being Master,
When you are Master of nothing?


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