This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Driving rain and parties

Jazz's Avensis ploughed back and forth through the storms last night, snow and rain; all manner of wetness battering party goers everywhere.

Tonight, my 'everywhere' was Clifton's Avon Gorge Hotel. The Dalkia Bristol party was something of an easy going, good, clean time, with nice food, good conversation, dancing and silly party tunes for all. Men and ladies dancing together, and lots of those silly tiger balloons which you blow up with tubes and when launched, can dive onto anyone's table or onto an expensive piece of art.

I think just about everyone had a good, clean time of it. The wine flowed freely, but I managed to drink and not get beyond the 'tiny bits of warmth and merry' stage.

For some strange reason, Ben came with Jazz to collect Ken and myself, which had the fun aspect of Ken & I sharing the backseat of Jazz's car :P

I am not sure why Ben wanted out in the snow of that night ... it certainly wasn't the sort of night one would choose to come out on. But never mind - I had to to walk back from Will's because Jazz was being a sausage-brained turnip and couldn't understand why it might be a good idea to lift someone back since there was freezing rain that night. But I walked it anyhow, biting my furry longcoat's top button to hold the warmth in, as much tends to escape from around the neck region.

I also had two bottles of Bud on the night. Aqua Teens was watched over at Will's after the party, as well as a botched attempt to speed run through Pikmin on the Game Cube.


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