Another dream
I've been having these epic dreams of late. Space and city and out door scenes, this one had everything.
Butlins camps, me being a human at the start then switching to Transformer at some stage, finally as a furry beast rather Kur-like (from Gor) and shoving small ape-like children off an armoured wall (but deciding to spare the children). Rodimus somehow showed up and I was in some sort of ship which could pretty much levitate at will. People kept talking to me all the time and telling me stuff. I feel again as though I've lived - learned something somehow during this experience. Gone to some other place and fought a great war.
But I haven't. I was in my bed all along. Yet my mind thinks I did experience it. These dreams are getting longer (I will forgo getting up just to continue one) and more intense. I could write more but I was an idiot and went and did stuff after I got up, causing specifics to slip into my subconcious.
I remember Rodimus giving these orders to his ship as many ships left earth for somewhere else (at least I think it was earth). The giant trailer was tucking in all these side guns. There were many ships and I think my ship was secretly against Rodimus anyway.
The starting section of the dream was something about a holiday camp and taking responsibility. People kept talking to me, all the time voices were coming at me. People facing me and asking me stuff. I answered them and also just carried on with whatever I was doing. Someone made some sort of a fuss if they thought I did something wrong. I didn't seem to let it bother me.
That's all I remember.
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