This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Over think - killing the young

Yeah it's time for me to come out and accuse the world and this society for what I think, nay; KNOW it is doing to my friends, my posse and my people. Yes, I got people just like everybody else and sometimes they probably all hate me and dispise me for having the gall to tell them how I think they should react or live their life. But the truth is, only those who give two flying damns about you will ever bother to risk an uncomfortable moment, a shoddy second and an evil eyed look, in order to try to share what they're thinking.

But when it all breaks down, nobody likes to be told they're wrong. Nobody likes their choices to be challenged, because if you chose them then you thought they were a good idea, and if they're wrong then that means .... your desicion was flawed. That is hard to swallow. I think it is actually one of the largest lynchpins and signs that any one person is actually truly growing up.

All the time I try to explain to folk exactly what 'maturity' is. They see it as this dirty word that means I am older so therefore smarter. NO! It is so much deeper, so much more complex than this. In short, I will try to say what I woke up thinking about this today:

I have been reading a lot of people's LJs and Blogs. I've listened to them talk, I have watched their walk and their choices rattling and reverberating throughout the lives of the people that they touch. Like ripples in a pond, we all effect those we are closest to.

We cannot escape from the responsibility of life. For that is what it is as I see it; a walk, a run, a jog, a stumbling crawl at times too. But it is you, playing your role, your part. If you can't be bothered or you just loose yourself in your own desires and your needs then you will miss out on that biggest question of all - WHY are we even here? That's my hunch. I am still considering this though.

On to my point, then. It seems to me as I glance around at myself, my life and the lives of others, that we over think a lot when we are at the stage of high school/secondary school, through to college and university. It is this period where our heads are literally crammed tightly and spewwing forth so much education, knowledge, people's opinions and views, books, websites, lecturers, professors, tv, magazines, billboards, musings whilst on the bus. We write our blogs and LJs and we regurgutate all that we are filled with. In short, we over think. We are machines; our minds so powerful and sharp at this age. And yet - all we seem to seek as the song says is a plce to fit in and feel a part of, to belong, to feel wanted, to be held. Loved. We all need somebody to love.

Man was not meant to be alone. And yet we are not all responsible enough to share our life at this stage with another. Those that try often have shattering and devastatingly destructive and confusing experiences.

When we do not yet know who we are, how can we link with another? How can we complete someone else when we are still growing, changing.

The danger is that where ever you are right now, you think this is you. The real you. You have your views and how you feel is just the way it is going to be for you.

So with all these thoughts and all this intelligence, the one thing we still don't have yet?

We haven't walked that far. Every step just gives you a totally new perspective on the steps that you've already taken and how you FEEL about everything around you. It all just changes and becomes more ... mature. Not better and not worse, just more ... what's the word? USEFUL. That's it.

You cannot share what you don't see for what it truely is. That's like selling a rare Transformer at a car boot for a few quid to some child who will just brake it minutes later. Both of you don't get what it could have brought to you - both of you are missing out. Why? Not because you don't see the object for what it is, but because there is still more about it that you yet do not fully appreciate.

It is really hard to pin down exactly what maturity means or is, but to me it will always be sharing that which you have the most perspective on. It's like taking an average out of a string of four numbers - at best it's going to be a bit rough. Now take 20 numbers. The averege is going to be a lot more accurate and have a decimal point, no doubt. Now consider 100 numbers.

It doesn't make you right or better. But it makes your data more .... deep. More settled down. More meaningful, I think.

Some of our oldest civilizations on this earth revered the old as kings and worthy wise ones. Maybe in our exuberance for freedom from bondgage, we have also become free from reason and restraint.


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