Train chaos in Bristol area
Today was bedlam. New time table and less rolling stock on the railways ... passengers screaming to get on (or off) trains, delays, overcrowding (I was one of 17 ppl in a tiny train vestibul today) and dodgy track faults causing queues. I have done more running, fast walking and hard stuff in the last three days than in weeks, after starting my new job on Monday.
The job was a real answer to prayer, actually. I landed it totally out of the blue, with a agency I am not even registered with (They found me on line somehow) and got it within two days, with no interview!
And what's more, that very week was the danger week where my finances would have toppled over.
I am still technically not registered officially with the agency ...
Treat this for what it is Great Western - a crisis. Real, everyday, hard working people (some with essential jobs) are waiting hours to get to work and their trip is full of standing around without seating and broken promises, platform changes etc. Bikes and disabled users simply cannot board most of the trains in the Bristol region right now, because they are so full.
Getting to work right now on time is actually impossible, unless I sleep under my desk.