This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Pblog 9 - I look like a Bulbasaur!

30 weeks has arrived and I must say it all feels quite close to the end now, even though it's another ten weeks to my due date which is over two actual months. Somehow the number 30 makes it all very real, being aware that babies are born any time from 40 weeks (assuming they're not premature or very late).

The groin strain has certainly remained the biggest pest I've had to put up with since being pregnant, by a long shot. Self inflicted - what a numpty I was for running for that bus. Still, it's probably the nature of the job that I was doing until last week and may have happened anyway due to tissues softening.

I get a bit breathless when changing position after a few minutes of being in any given position, which again feels odd since I'm not at all used to being breathless in this sort of way. I can only imagine this is how people with severe weight issues must feel and it helps to gain some insight into that, being from the other end of the scale myself all of my life (having trouble maintaining a healthy weight).

Lying down or sitting seems to be more of a hassle than actually standing or being half-and-half (half laid, half sat). I think this is due to lung space available and also soreness around the hip region which is again due to the softened tissues in that area. It doesn't hurt but more feels like I've been for a long run and a bit sore. Like I've never used these muscles before ... it's very odd if you're not used to it.

I still don't notice my girl moving around much during the daytime and when I'm on the go. When I am quieter and still, or at night, that's when she is the easiest to sense and feel. She isn't always as wriggly as she has been, due to less space I suppose. That said, she is still giving it some in there!

My interest in all things God and Bible-related is still increasing and I am more sure than ever now of what God has called me to do. It's very scary and I know it is only because of Him that I will have any ability to serve in this way at all, but that's as it should be. Someone told me yesterday 'You just don't want your halo to slip, do you!' I laughed and reminded them that any halo I might have had, I ate many years ago. 'All have sinned & fall short of the glory of God' says the book of Romans and I am certainly no exception to that. In fact I join with St Paul in stating that if anything, I am among the most wretched and forgiven amongst the local church where I live and serve ... but she who has been forgiven much, loves much.

The only glory I have is the glorious light that comes from Christ in me! :D

I am continually amazed and ever so proud of all of our young people at Keynsham Elim, who attend the Ignite Youth Church there every Wednesday. It is a real honour to input into their lives and see God working through them as they step out and believe the things we've taught them. I want to carry on seeing them accelerate far past anything I have ever seen or will see in the things of God, because it's about Him and His house, not personal glory.

So back to me and this pregnancy. I continue to enjoy good health and wellbeing thanks to the promises I am believing as laid out in the book 'Supernatural Childbirth' by Jackie Mize (all promises taken from the Bible, of course). I am nobody special and God isn't blessing me or my body because of anything I've done or not done. It is simple, childlike faith in His Word and then choosing to believe that and stand on it rather than look to the circumstances or to what the world tells me to expect as a pregnant woman. I may not be doing this perfectly, in fact I'm sure I'm not, but it's bearing real fruit and real results are happening. The only area which I would like to change for the better really is joint stuff, as Husbands should really be as involved in the spiritual side as their Wives are. I think that praying and believing for things together is far more effective and powerful!

More later as I get fatter (I expect) and wiser (well...maybe). Stay awesome! :D

Pblog 8: Third trimester and why I don't hurt

At 28 weeks this last Monday gone, it feels both like a long time coming and also in a strange, converse sense ... all quite quick. Following the stories of other pregnant ladies around me seems even quicker, to me they seem to be racing through their weeks faster than I am (which obviously isn't happening). It's an odd situation that doesn't make sense but is very real.

The best part of seeing the Midwife at 28 weeks was, for me, being told exactly where my baby was laying. She is now head down, with her arms and legs facing to the left side of my body, her back to my right side and her butt up in my navel area. There is plenty of movement going on in there still, which varies quite a lot although in the evenings I am assured of plenty of wriggling. I can see the stomach skin moving when she moves, on occasion. I only notice her there when I am sitting or laying still, the rest of the time to be honest ... I go about my business and work without really feeling her. I do have quite a small bump though, and an easy pregnancy. On to that ...

The stuff I am reading generally isn't happening to me. I haven't had any back ache or braxton hicks contractions that I've been able to feel. The only real thing I've had is softened tissue in the pelvic region which has meant moving around in bed can ache or be stiff. To be fair though, I haven't done anything to prevent this such as stretching and I made it hurt when I ran for a bus and pulled my groin. The side where I pulled the tissues - the left - is where it now aches on and off, so I think it's mostly self inflicted.

I should be swimming, stretching etc but I am not doing any of those things. One, because I am working still and two, the local pool sucks to boring high heaven and I can't be bothered to go down there and float around not knowing what to do in a square pool with no friends and nothing to do except lanes.

In short, even though mentally this has been the toughest time of my life for a long time (and not because of the pregnancy), physically the whole thing has been easy and a dream. Everything I chose to believe in and for at the start has happened. The book that I read, Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize, has proven a real support and to be honest I haven't really been even following it along, re reading or doing stuff together as a pair with my Husband. So God has really blessed me and stood in the gap for me at every stage of the way so far. Therefore ... why should He stop now? I fully expect everything I have believed for, because it's part of what was won for me by Jesus on the cross. So why not have it? What have I got to lose? Nothing good, that's for sure.

In other matters, though I am still hardly touching it, chicken no longer appears to make me feel foul (joke). Only pesto still has the effect of making me want to hurl, my taste buds seem to have undergone chemical changes to this effect.

I'm not really craving anything - I just find that I like food a lot and tend to eat much of it with regular grazing. Trying to keep this healthy has been hard but I have done all right by my standards. Another thing worth mentioning is that having my blood taken this time was much easier than the last - it took about an eighth of the time and my arm hasn't go purple!

That's all for now, I have another midwife in three weeks time!

Fo those who don't have Facebook...

I know, I know. Who doesn't? Well, a few of my very close friends don't and do not wish to. So I'll reactivate this place for the benefit of those who don't have Facebook. Please respect.
