This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Boys In Blue 1 - Boys at the Gym 0

It's finally happened. He cracked; he couldn't help himself.

The Trowbridge guy decided to lay threats at our door - again. The first time we logged a call and full description of the events with the Police and asked them not to press the matter; we'd hoped to resolve it with time and people's common sense prevailing.

This time, we did the same thing only requested a house visit which they gave us. My Husband and I discussed the issue, gave witness statements and by the time the Police left, I almost - almost - felt sorry for the perps involved.

They are the ones who are going to get a visit from the boys in blue issuing them with an official warning to stay away from our house and from both of us. According to the Police, any print outs or recordings of so-called things from the net or rumours won't make a darned bit of difference; the Police explained that the CPS take a very dim view of so-called 'Internet harrasment' claims since to get harrased online, you have to go online willfully. Legally this is therefore NOT considered to be harrasment, but willfull engagement with material(s). So, no matter what material(s) they have constructed falsely or find on the net down there in sunny Trowbridge, it wouldn't actually matter anyway, nor would it stand up in any court.

Today, I was in a position to say 'Let's do it'. By saying that, this person would have then been arrested and interviewed, and it would have all gone to court. I decided to say 'Let's not do it, let's issue an official warning instead'. If he or anyone else he knows then breaks this warning, it all goes directly to court as a criminal offence.

There is also a chance if he reacts badly to the warning that's about to be given, that he may lose his licence to bounce. Hopefully therefore he'll think twice before losing his rag again and making threats.

Phone calls are recorded. Visits to the house are monitored with video equipment. Internet comments are also logged for any additional interest.

Numbers can and will be traced by our phone companies and the Police have said they can gain access to ANYONE and EVERYONE who has called us on any of our phones in the last 3 or 4 years if they want to.

The fact is, that lot seem to blame us for everything that is said bad about them, and everything they do not like online. They have a run around boy/man who goes on the phone to them and spews stuff he doesn't understand, making out that things online are ten times worse than they actually are.

The Police also confirmed that a YouTube video they believe was created by one of us (with no evidence at all might I add!) that embarrased one of them would NOT be considered a crime or anything short of a laughing stock by the CPS.

It's funny and quite sad that one of them on the phone seemed to think that by having seen this so-called video (we have also seen it, it's very funny!) and having a record of an unrelated email sent to someone and also a text message sent to someone, neither of which are anything to do with any of this (and the original, un doctored versions CAN be produced, by the way...), that somehow they could show this to the Police and that would make it 'all right' that they'd produced multiple threats, claim to have gone out of their way to get hold of our home address (if that's not proof of Mens Rea then I don't know what is...) and claim they will come around when we are not expecting it and 'get us'.

The Police have told us that it definately will NOT make it all right, that they have broken the law and that we have not, no matter what lies they make up or claims they make. The Police don't care about their views of who does what online, they only care about legal things like, oh say; threatening and abusive phone calls.

These two individuals have told us to back off. We have been backed off since we cut all ties with UCW. Ken has never returned to their forum and I only recently returned to tell Ian Dowland and Hero's Drone to stop stirring crap on there about Ken and Gareth.

Now it's OUR turn. He may say that payback is a b*tch, but vengence is The LORD'S.

We are telling YOU: Back off. The next piece of unwelcome contact, thinnly vieled threat or remark will result in you being taken to court and all the records of your conduct being dragged up before everyone. All you have are lies, rantings and your opinion of who does what on the internet, which you don't even understand (and both of us work in and with, so we do understand).

Nothing you have is true or can stand up in any court - we now have this from the Police's own mouths. So I suggest you take your own advice - stay very, very quiet, leave us alone and if you truely just want to be left alone, you won't find this hard to do, will you? After all, if we don't want contact with you and you don't want it with us, then we're both on to a winner here.

By the way - I am saying all this as though they are reading this for one simple reason; recently someone, most likely Dowland, has been reading the internet and then reporting on things to this person. Either that or the person themselves has been reading stuff and getting themselves into a tiss-was over nothing whatsoever.

Boys in blue 1 - Boy at the gym (community centre rather) 0.
I don't blame any of the others down there, just the one character.

Brains have prevailed once again over brawn, and they always will do.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Digg crowd lynch some guy over my article

Ok. I will try to explain this in chronological order. Please bear with me, this is funny but also rather eye-opening:

A few days ago I wrote an article which I posted to this address, about the Wii console: I also posted this article onto my gaming miniblog (Kim's Clicks).

The article above was then posted to the Digg community by a total stranger to me, as seen here:

Once it was up there, a guy who is part of the Digg community posted a comment on the article which was particuarly annoying to other Digg users. I have not seen the original Tom Fraser comment and I can only assume it's been deleted now.

Digg users flooded the article on Digg with extra diggs, both for the article and for each other's comments. A big row ensued surrounding the actions of Tom Fraser. Apparently someone's handed out private details of the man and people have been calling his house, making 'I blocked Tom Fraser' T shirts and buttons for their websites etc. Someone even made a Digg page about what happened:

Someone also made a slightly rude song and video:

I don't know who this Tom Fraser is, or if any of this actually is happening to him. All I know is that it's crazy all this came from my lovely little Wii article! Still, it's nice to think you might have started a little Internet 'event' without even realising it!

"Ha ha, this is hilarious. The lines between reality and the Internet have blurred. Mob mentality has taken hold, the digg legions are on the march, and all over a guy pressing enter too many times, I love it!" --- DaneTrain,

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Race minister: sack veil woman

The Government's race minister has said a Muslim teaching assistant who refuses to remove her veil at work should be sacked.

Phil Woolas said Aishah Azmi's stand meant she could not "do her job", and insisted barring men from working with her would amount to "sexual discrimination".

The minister accused her of "denying the right of children to a full education".
Meanwhile, Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said Muslim leaders were risking "voluntary apartheid" in Britain.

In an article for a Sunday newspaper, Mr Davis warned of "closed societies" being created in the UK, and said religious divides threatened to "corrode" fundamental values such as freedom of speech.

Earlier in the week, the Leader of the Commons, Jack Straw, said he asked female Muslim constituents to lift their veils during private discussions.
Mr Davis wrote: "What Jack touched on was the fundamental issue of whether, in Britain, we are developing a divided society.

"Whether we are creating a series of closed societies within our open society. Whether we are inadvertently encouraging a kind of voluntary apartheid."
Mr Davis said there was a "growing feeling that the Muslim community is excessively sensitive to criticism, unwilling to engage in substantive debate".

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wii Launch Line Up Review, on YOUR site?!

I work freelance as well as editing a large and vibrant entertainment portal.

Today I am going to Nintendo to review the Wii UK launch line up and take a closer look at the machine itself, as well. I am more experienced with the former, but hope to take a techi with me to cover that 'side' of things.

I am offering the article(s)/review(s) from today to anyone who is interested. The only downside is I'd like you to pay me for it, but only a select no of sources are getting Wii review units prior to Wii launch, etc. So I think it's worth the moolah.

If you agree and want your site or publication to have the latest Wii low down, slip me an email: kim at melted dotcom.

Don't call me for cooking tips or dates!!! You have been warned!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Game On!

Fact: The games industry is bigger than Hollywood. 2004 saw the total sales of video games far exceeding sales of cinema tickets and DVD sales combined. Books about sitcoms, rock stars and soaps decorate shelves aplenty. Surely it’s the perfect time then, for a book about the history of great gaming?