This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

WiiView - 2006 Titles On The Wii Exposed!

The Team got into Nintendo House and are able to bring out the following:

All the early Wii titles laid bare... easy to digest breakdowns of many early Wii titles about to reach the UK.

(A cross post from my Kim's Clicks gaming Blog)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


If it wasn't real
Or it didn't matter
Then I wouldn't care
The fact I do means
I can't ignore
The battles that we share

Alone is a deception
A veil to hide the light
You beat it back
It returns black
Impregnates your insight

Approval from the outside
Nothing matters more than this
Yet real friends just won't approve
Of knives you try to kiss

When doctors raise their scalpel
Sever red and remove lumps
They won't pay heed to your pet growth
Or leave your favourite clumps

A real surgeon operates
With aim to save your life
He won't back down or shrink away
When you cry 'Stop - it's strife!'

You can't save men from drowning
Without a diving mask
If you keep going down there
You'll stay beneath the glass

The heavens that you dwell in
Haven't solved a single thing
Get real and stop pretending
You're not the first to brass his ring

There's no shame in admitting
That it's hard and there's still pain
There are programes to help people
And big evil hopes they wane

Without rooting in The Body
There's no healing; no acceptance
Time won't help; it's getting worse
Drop pride and long, cold glances

Don't take so long to speak the truth
What's true will roll from within
The traps prevent you from the 'norm'
You seek with such chargrin

In short the games have got to stop
Let's start and not feel low
Let's not mope and be so proud
As though we've special woe

The real around you is the start
The net is not the place
You can't find acceptance anywhere
That every morn you don't face

If we really want Him - really want Him
We'll come, our sins n' all
We'll drop excuses, go to church
We'll actually try His stall

We'll stay away as though it bit
From every source of sin
It may mean losing ones we've liked
But choices choose who'll win

You can't have both the old life
All the pain and wishing wells
With glory, light and self acceptance
Ringing songs of praising bells

Faith tells stories yet to come
It speaks of what ain't here
To live in vict'ry every day
We have to shout down fear

We have to speak to sickness
Fear and doubt and ev'ry foe
We have to tell them who is Lord
And order them to go

"But I'm the only one who loves you!"
Cries the whining whisp
"No one accepts who you are
But us, the ones you kiss!"

The end of Fight Club has a gun
A man shoves down inside
He blows away the man inside
The parasite, the lie

The man who loved him now is gone
But finally he's free!
The love was fake; the lust was real
No darkness can escape

The real you is hid in God
The things you seek are His
There's nothing special with your pain
They're all the same - not His

My answer is your answer
The deception's that you can't
The lie is that you're worse somehow
Your cubicle advanced

The trick's to make you feel alone
"No body walked this street.
This blood's not thick enough for me
I choose and then get beat"

We all return to sins we love
Again, again and again
The lie is that you've gone too far
Or that you can't refrain

The lie is that you're better off
Outside the body; the command
It's simple; "get in" says the Lord
"My answer won't expand"

"My word won't change to fit a street
My answer won't evolve
The lie is that you're in some special
Cell my key won't solve"

If you want just what you say
Acceptance, truth and love
Then do it His way not your own
Accept the cost, then shove

Shove everything that lables you
The way you thought you were
Into the bin, whatever sin
Choose simple life, confer

Confer with scripture, but get taught
A man alone's soon tricked
Without a body, without church
The lies return more pricked

Stop feeling guilt for the past
Once He forgives, it's gone
The images may come to mind
But with His word, be strong

Believe what He has said about you
But don't be fooled by sin
The LORD's not mocked nor can he wink
You're either out or in

If you want Him, do it His way
Don't argue or you'll sit
You'll never move while you resent
His ways or friends like grit

I wrote this hoping it might help
Defy the lie that says
I hate you or somehow don't care
I hope that this conveys

I want you stood beside me
I want my friend content
I cannot promise life in joy
But I know that I was sent

I'll end this now and hope it helps
I hope you believe me
I hope you see the love He has
A God sure enough to make me :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Veil row woman sacked

I think this is an all round fair out come. We don't know why she was sacked though, so no comment can really be made on that aspect of it. The payment of a grand seems very generous as I've had my feelings hurt plenty at work before and never received money from any source for this.

Monday, November 20, 2006

BA worker loses appeal over right to wear crucifix

My comments: There’s three things worth mentioning here, I think.

One, that really the woman could just wear the thing inside her blouse and be happy about it without causing a fuss.

Two, that in all the years she has worked there, nobody complained once or noticed, thus proving the ruling – however logically reasonable on paper – to be red tape and pointless; she’s not been picked up once in all this time by a single customer, so really the rule is surplus to requirement.

Thirdly, there cannot be any fair or reasonable comparison made between the wearing (on show) of a tiny golden cross on a thin golden chain around ones neck, and the wearing of a niqab. The turban is a slightly different issue so I am intentionally leaving it out for now. Basically, the niqab section of the Islamic burqua is more than just a symbol of religion; in our culture it is a mask, a symbol of female opression and a definite barrier.
It is sexist to refuse to remove it around male workers.

Obviously for lip readers it is a complete stopper but also for everyone; to be honest I prefer to see the facial expressions of the person I am talking to if they are serving me in their line of work. In someone else’s house, what they do is their business but when I am out and about or at work, I do expect general cultural norms to a certain extent – I don’t expect to be faced with a mask. This is the point where some folk get terribly upset and I would respectfully point out that the burqua (long, body covering outfit), headscarf (head covering) and face mask are all NOT requirements in the Koran or Hadiths. They are exactly the same as a Christian wearing a cross or a pagan wearing a pentagram/up side down cross – it’s a personal, outward working of your belief. For those who are interested, the Koran details for ladies to dress with modesty. Googling for a ref will reveal one if anyone cares enough to do it – I don’t have a link in my papers that I can easily spot.

If I wore a ski mask into a bank, petrol station or air port, I think my cultural requirements would be swiftly over ridden, and so they should be; it’s gone too far. However, if I wore a picture of a naked person doing some abhorrent act or an equally personal thing on a chain around my neck but no one could really see it …

It’s a multi sided issue but hopefully common sense will prevail. I actually do not care if burquas are worn, however sexist I feel they are (Islamic men apparently do not need to wear any special garment to be pure), but I do think the headscarf and face mask sections of the outfit need to be well and truly done away with in free countries. Women need to be shown by their families and Imans that their faith doesn’t tell them to wear this stuff – only some Islamic males do. It is these people who need to be spoken with and frankly, no body in the UK should be allowed for any reason to go into a shop or store with their face totally covered except for their eyes. I am perfectly happy for this law to be enforced upon me, before anybody complains that I wouldn’t like that ruling on myself. It’s safer for everyone, a mark of respect for those you are meeting and greeting and it enables everyone to see your face and communicate fully with you. Any medical exceptions could carry a permit, just as guide dogs are permitted in stores but no other dogs are.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


If you have to say the words,
Then you need them to know.

A preacher, ordinary as any man, told me.
Forgive - only for real. Do not pretend.
Drop the hate. Lose the anger.

Forgive them all. Be free. Place them in His hands.

Could I do it? These three did not deserve forgiveness. But that was the point. If they deserved to be forgiven - an innocent error perhaps, there would be little to forgive; little difficulty in doing so.

Paper was handed around. White paper.
I put mine in my pocket. I'll do it later.

Later I discover it, still there in my pocket. I look at the empty space.

Finding a pencil, I write the three names quickly.
I tear through the sheet, ripping it into pieces, before throwing it down into the bin.

Though we weren't suggested to do this, I quietly mutter "I forgive you. You're out of my life. I do not hate you any longer. It is finished."

I walk away from the room, feeling strangely cleaner for doing so.

It is done. Now whenever I get tempted to think about those people, or to hate them for what they did to me, I remember my desicion, the piece of paper I tore. The words I spoke.

Never again.