Reading some bloke's comments ...
I found this comment on the following atheist's blog web site: (
'fby, your feable attempt to minimize the reality of the statistical improbability of life occuring spontateously is comical. 1/1000? If it were anywhere near 1/1000, life would be springing up all over. In the last analysis I saw (this was a few years ago, I admit), you would have to put over 20 zeroes behind the 1 to begin to get close to how low the probability is. How could anybody put their faith in a belief system that is so improbable? This is why Flew changed - it is only logical to do so when faced with the facts.
It is clear that you have your own religion, and that's ok. You have put your faith in a scientifically impossible fantasy, while most others put their faith in an unprovable deity. Just two different versions of religion/faith that can not be proven and both seem illogical to the objective observer.'
---Kcbmc (
In a latter comment, he also added:
'You are coming very close to the brink upon which Mr. Flew stood not too long ago. Humanly speaking, 1 chance in 10*20 is the same thing as "impossible". In scientific terms we try not to use the word "impossible", however. Your belief in such an event puts you at the pinnacle of intellectual dishonesty - the belief in a theory that is beyond plausibility.
It is this confrontation with intellectual honesty upon which Mr. Flew changed his position. The level of absurdity is too much for a thinking individual to sustain - lest you fall into the catogory of delusional or denial.'