This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I discriminate against things which are proven bad ideas

Morally questionable news article, there’s lots in here and a lot of medical background to understand …

The part that I noticed and caused me great concern was the comment near the bottom about the rights of a child:

‘He [Liberal Democrat Politician] said clinics should not be able to "hide behind" rules that the welfare of a child was best served by having a father in their lives."’

This is to do with lesbian couples and single women having the same, free NHS access as men and women couples seeking IVF treatment. Everyone has access to things, of course they do - this is ONLY concerning free NHS access. Remember that before you press reply and bash me for restricting anyone from anything.

In the past, the proven studies that a child has a better chance of a healthy and normal life with a Father figure has prevented access to non couples from simply collecting children like shopping, along with lesbian couples where a choice has been made to have no male in the relationship, thus disallowing the natural chance for a child to be introduced to the family unit that way. This is a highly emotive issue that tends to reveal what people truly think about the rights of individuals and what they base their worldview on. Mine is based on testable, repeatable science and family studies as well as the Word of God. The two match perfectly so I’ve never needed to think too long on this issue, but I can see how others would have conflicting loyalties to different emotions such as ‘This is unfair to single women and lesbians’.

Remember though; this is treatment to implant babies into women who are not successful using other methods, and it's only arguing about having it done FREE on the NHS - spending tax money on it. Originally it was for women in a couple who couldn’t have children naturally. Now it seems to have become everyone’s ‘right’ to have a child despite the fact if they are single, they are willfully not using the natural route to a family (having a male partner and starting a family) and lesbians are wilfully doing likewise by deleting the male option; they have access to males just as everyone else does, they just don't want to. In my view, if a lesbian couple want a child that badly, they should consider their sexuality and the implications thereof more deeply or perhaps privately do a deal with a willing male and have him father a child for one of the women (though personally this option would be immoral for me – but not some others).

The text above clearly states that the Liberal Democrats don’t want the NHS to 'hide behind' (i.e. recognise) the rules that are there because it’s been shown that the child’s best interests are served by having a Father in their lives. This is quite disturbing, because what this actually says is ‘We don’t want the science and the evidence to get in the way of us having what we want, when we want it – in the form of baby shopping’.

That deeply disturbs me, because they are willing to place a child’s life – and the welfare of that child SECOND to the desires of adults who consensually, one way or the other, have chosen NOT to have a family unit that includes a male. No one is discussing the rights of pairs where a male is present – merely pairs of females and single females or males.

It is my view that since nature has stated that a male and female are needed to procreate and studies show clearly that a male and female are the best possible environment to raise a child, to wilfully go against this with tax payer's money is pure selfishness and ‘I want so I’ll get’.

But I know the emotive response before I hear it – ‘Discrimination!’ Yes. I discriminate all the time. I choose not to do things which are proven to be unfair or stupid or not work best. I choose to for example, not buy a 3 grand hot tub because it’s not in my best financial interests, even though it IS what my desire is, to have it. I see the greater picture so I don’t go and blow 3 grand on the credit card and buy what I want.

I discriminate against war and against poverty. I discriminate against killing and violence. I discriminate against selfishness in adults using children like accessories to a fashion list of their own personal wants.


(Matthew 10:22-23 NKJV)
"And you will be hated by all for My name's sake.”


18 If the people of this world hate you, just remember that they hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, its people would love you. But you don't belong to the world. I have chosen you to leave the world behind, and that is why its people hate you.
20 Remember how I told you that servants are not greater than their master. So if people mistreat me, they will mistreat you. If they do what I say, they will do what you say.
21 People will do to you exactly what they did to me. They will do it because you belong to me, and they don't know the one who sent me.
22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have no excuse for their sin.
23 Everyone who hates me also hates my Father.
24 I have done things that no one else has ever done. If they had not seen me do these things, they would not be guilty. But they did see me do these things, and they still hate me and my Father too.
25 That is why the Scriptures are true when they say, "People hated me for no reason."

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Prophetic Dream

I can't remember all the details ... there was a part where I was looking around a nice but very low house with some others, and also the Abus and other coaches were full of people of different sort of ages and groups (I noticed many of the faces were from Elim Keynsyham) coming to this car park where Eric Casto ended up preaching to a mass of people.

He was talking about his 'brother' Moses who was there and thanking others for caring for him.

I turned around knowing that Moses was near me. Moses was right near me and just told me to close my eyes and pray with him right now, so I did. Moses said this:

"There's lightning in you ... there's a lot of lightning in you."

At this point I reacted to being told this by opening my eyes and staring in shock. The words rung so true to me even though I didn't fully understand them.
Eventually things got back to being serious and i was told to close my eyes. I did so.

"You've never allowed the whip to touch you. You resist true dicipline. You are afraid of it."

I realised that in all my power stories, I always have mercy extended nine times out of ten. Justice is rare. Heavy judgement is rarer.

At that point in positioned myself so I could easily be struck by a whip and felt real fear. In the dream, there was an image of a black whip and it was very real, but I understood that the whip actually stood for something far more significant and far MORE real than any mere, physical whip.

I was not hit with the whip in the dream nor was I punished. The point seemed to be to get me to allign myself and surrender to this 'whip', this Fatherhood of God. I was made to realise in the dream that I always saw Fathers as these violent, fearful men who lashed out at me and who caused ME in turn to become full of fight, defence and close the door to being submissive in any way - even in a Godly way when it's required of anyone ... even yes, 'Masters'.

Earlier in the dream, some reasonably tough-ish females were giving me cr*p for a while and I was thinking through in the dream 'should I stay the good Christian lady or should I turn back to old me and let them have it'. There was a lot more going on and back and forth but in the end I slowly, carefully and cleverly (though with some fear that I couldn't remember how to do this stuff...) defeated her and her cronies. I spoke to them as I dealt with them and I was very much 'Masterful'. Perhaps God was showing me what's inside my heart somewhere, I do not know for sure.

I was ashamed of myself and my walls against The LORD. The ironic thing about all this is that over the past few years, thanks to God He's been really changing me, breaking pride and giving submission etc. But maybe it's skin deep...I don't know. Maybe I'm lying to myself on some things. Another prophetic prayer over me recently confirms this a little, since I was told that I am trying to control things in my marriage for example and trying to be the man and hold on, because at that stage Ken wasn't stepping up at ALL. I was too afraid to let go and let God and expect through faith, Ken to step up in The LORD.

I feel as though I've been close to God. I do not deserve it. I feel ministered to by a great man of God. I remember this 'Moses' guy's face, it was olive and round, almost chubby in fact, dark brown eyes and very eastern. I remember his short, black, curly hair which was frizzed out and grown through somewhat. I have no idea who this was or who he symbolised, if anyone.

There were all these physical items that I kept searching through and trying to make sense of. I never managed it. Apparently I was looking to the wrong things.
I just wanted to openly and
honestly share my heart here.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The FINAL word on Ken and his past/future

This has been cross posted to Ken's forum ( and the UCW forum ( (which I will not be returning to as I know I am not wanted there and I have no desire to be there thank you very much).

Since I work in Media, real Media, this should be interesting. I am clearing the air one LAST time and shall not return to the UCW forum afterwards again. If you wish to send me a response, do so on Ken's forum or here, any responses elsewhere will not sadly be seen. I thank you:

I agree that all this bickering should end. However...

Those who do wrong deserve to be EXPOSED. If a man then comes and makes what he said right and apologises and changes his HEART for real, then fine. If you have done someone a wrong, go and make it right with that person first.

But those who continue to be horrible people, they deserve to be exposed to protect INNOCENT others from falling into the same traps again and again. Fact is, yes this does need to be said because others will otherwise fall for the same charlatans.

Ken was not fired. He was in fact, NEVER paid for any of the hard work that he did for UCW which took him away from his family and his Wife (me) every week sometimes more than once, he spent hours on computers doing media work for FREE (which has now all paid off for him), and he was never paid to wrestle for UCW.

You cannot be fired from a job which does not exist. Gareth did talk to me privately about Ken and fears that he had during a time that Ken was struggling with serious home life issues, but those were not professional fears. He missed a show which he didn't mean to and Gareth's words to me were: 'Ken's takin' the p*ss, and when people start takin' the p*ss with my livlihood, that's when I take action. He's suspended and to be honest with you, I am thinking about not having him back at all'.

That's the TRUTH. He did not fire Ken, when Ken later then returned to the UK from Canada where he'd been, he was still obviously suspended and during that time he QUIT and posted on all his blogs etc that he had quit. Ken texted Gareth personally and told him that he didn't want to be part of UCW any longer. Gareth then took down Ken's bio picture from the UCW webpage - but apparently was telling people at shows that Ken was fired from UCW for taking drugs backstage. That by the way is completely untrue - Ken never took any drugs at a UCW show nor worked under the influence of them for UCW. Gareth told me over the phone while Ken was away in Canada that he believed Ken to be smoking weed. I heard him out but it later turns out that Ken did not smoke weed in any context connected to his paid job in secular terms NOR his hobby of UCW.

You cannot be FIRED from a HOBBY. Gareth did not fire Ken, Ken quit. Gareth then later start saying that he'd been fired. I do not understand why Gareth cares enough to say either doesn't make any sense at all. Why should he care, unless there's more to it perhaps. He's got a fed to run so surely he should focus on that and not ex-wrestlers.

Gossiping behind backs is the lifestyle of playground schoolgirls. Neither Ken nor I want party to any such ladylike behaviour.

As for anyone trying to expose EPW thinking that would be a bad thing for Ken, let me make this clear to you all right here and right now. I understand they have now apologised but this for for any future persons:

EPW is AWESOME and everyone who is part of it is PROUD of it. PROUD! It's an awesome show which has a global, large fan base despite a long hiatus; it has more wrestlers on its roster than some UK indy feds; the literature, posters and DVDs that it produces are yes, of a professional standard (and I work in the media). Fans love EPW because it doesn't take itself too seriously, it's not full of backstabbing or lies it's just pure good old fashioned FUN in the ring and the characters and storylines are actually AMUSING and good for watching. It's a known fact for example, that a certain Jake the Snake trainee marks for McKay :)

I want this to be said this one, last time. Nobody including Ken is in any way ashamed of EPW; it's not backyarding as in light tubes and stupid, generic, non storylined 'characters' simply fighting each other - it has the spirit of an unpaid and under appreciated, internet indy federation about itself. That's why it has so many fans - because it is grass roots. Quite literally. What started as a joke and a p*ss take of real wrestling in a garden and a lounge by a group of friends who were a bit crazy, grew into Britain's most well known back yard fed to date.

Ken's moved on. He's got nothing to do with any failing feds in the UK, only successful ones because this right here is a man who works his buttocks off for nothing because of a deep passion for this business. As his Wife and an avid lover of wrestling myself, I support my Man in this. The other thing about us is that we're Christians. We love and serve an ALMIGHTY God and He despenses justice at His will, which is Holy. Those who curse Men and women of God do so at their peril; God is a jealous God and it says in His word, "Vengence is mine."

Let God be true and every man a liar - let peace start here and go forth. Ken and EPW stand venerated (that means made right and acceptable) with the seal of approval on it, let any for us stand with us. Let any against us, be so but know that they run the risk of going directly against what God is doing in this generation, in this time.

Just each get on with what he was sent here to do in this world and stop hating on people. Hate destroys those who carry it, and I think we are seeing the fruit of that already. Test ALL things.

-=Kim Kaze=-

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Sometimes you really feel the struggle to survive and at other times, it just seems so very distant.

Right now, I can feel my struggles.

As of September 2nd 2006, I will need another source of income (aka a paid job). I can either gamble on taking shift work in the support worker sector until a long term temp or perm support worker role shows up in Bristol/Bath, or I can try right now to get a perm job in Editorial/Writing/Journalism work. If I do the latter and nothing happens, come 2/9/06 option one will pretty much kick in, anyway.

I also need to finish working on this DVD with AJM ...

Depending on what I do though, I may or may not continue at full steam in my role as Games Editor with EW, or may downgrade it somewhat. This is definately something I do NOT want to do, but at the end of the day, I need urgently to get paid and that need even now takes presidence over enjoyment in a role.

Those who read this and are Christian, please pray for me that I'll do the right thing by me and my family. Ken starts full time uni in September and will be losing his part time income, replacing this with a small, term-based loan for students.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Muslim letter to Tony Blair

I have Muslim friends and am not anti-Muslim or anti any-persons. What I am is opinionated and not PC, and anti behaviours or bad concepts which I consider dangerous, immoral or just plain wrong.


I have concerns about the letter arriving today in the hands of Tony Blair from Muslim leaders around the UK, calling for change to the UK's policy abroad which is 'fuelling extremism'. The lack of the term 'Islamic' is rather telling, as is the fact that what this logically equates to is, no matter how you dress it up ...

'Anything that may cause followers of Islam to feel the need to act as terrorists should not be in our policy in the UK'

That is simply not the solution, nor is it actually the issue either. Why do I say this? The UK is one of many nations including Egypt, Bali, the US and many others that have been attacked by Islamic terrorists; terrorists who follow Islam reguardless of how politically correct it is to state thus or not. They use the life of their prophet Mohammad and the words of the Qu'ran to justify their actions, of course. The sad fact is no matter how dangerous it is to say it in this current climate, Mohammad did kill and allowed/ordered deaths, attacked and raided caravans many times, went to war, had fits where he thought at some stages he might be possessed by a demon...the list goes on. It is impossible for moderate Muslims to denounce these terrorists as acting in a non-Muslim way entirely unless they are equally willing to condemn the actions of all killings of innocents - which would include those committed by Mohammad. We have seem the Pope apologising for actions in his faith that he considers improper. I would like to see Muslims standing up and decided what exact it IS that they really believe.

A percentage of British Muslims have said as well that they will not condemn 7/7. That also doesn't help.

All in all, the letter to Tony Blair is essentially asking the UK to submit to the threat of terrorism, specifically Islamic rule and opinion. If it may fuel these people, we are not to do it, right or wrongly. The issue of the war(s) is now lost in all this, and we have to ignore the temptation to become so anti war we're willing to submit to anything anyone says who also doesn't like the war.

It's NOT our policy abroad. Many other nations who are not in Iraq have been attacked too. Our Western aid is never refused when it floods in to mostly Islamic nations during times of great need (Tsunami for example, and even now in Lebanon, Western aid is what is trying to get in). There's nothing wrong with our policy in terms of it being set against a certain brand of people ...

What it's against is war mongering and racist nations or groups of people like Hezbollah and statements such as that made by Iran's leaders and Hamas that Israel should be 'wiped off the map' and an Islamic superstate should extent to Spain.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Let the kids live!

Reading my copy of the Metro (a free paper in the UK) about a week ago, I noticed that one story mentioned kids being banned from doing a tug-o-war. For those who may not know, this is a traditional English challenge between two teams of people on either end of a marked rope, sometimes with a mud bath in the centre, sometimes not. The aim is to pull harder than the opposite team resulting in your marker on the rope crossing a line which mean that you've won ... or in the more traditional versions of the game, pulling the other team literally into the drink.

Not only was this banned in this town's celebration of the summer this year, but also flaming torches were banned for being a health and safety hazzard and replaced with lanterns.

Come ON! This is just crazy. Life is dangerous, but it's also great fun. No one's ever been injured in the tug-o-war at this festival we're told, but because of Britain's sue-you culture, the organisers are pulling it out of fear.

If I have kids, I'm going to let them climb trees, play football, comb doll's hair, have gangs/clubs, explore, swim, boat, climb and do all the things that children should be able to do. So what if occasionally they scrape their knee or elbow, that's life. I would rather live and get hurt occasionally, than live inside a medical bubble wrap cell and never live at all.

I say let the children play, if you expect them to grow up into balanced adults with a good appreciation of life and danger; where it starts and stops.