I discriminate against things which are proven bad ideas
Morally questionable news article, there’s lots in here and a lot of medical background to understand …
The part that I noticed and caused me great concern was the comment near the bottom about the rights of a child:
‘He [Liberal Democrat Politician] said clinics should not be able to "hide behind" rules that the welfare of a child was best served by having a father in their lives."’
This is to do with lesbian couples and single women having the same, free NHS access as men and women couples seeking IVF treatment. Everyone has access to things, of course they do - this is ONLY concerning free NHS access. Remember that before you press reply and bash me for restricting anyone from anything.
In the past, the proven studies that a child has a better chance of a healthy and normal life with a Father figure has prevented access to non couples from simply collecting children like shopping, along with lesbian couples where a choice has been made to have no male in the relationship, thus disallowing the natural chance for a child to be introduced to the family unit that way. This is a highly emotive issue that tends to reveal what people truly think about the rights of individuals and what they base their worldview on. Mine is based on testable, repeatable science and family studies as well as the Word of God. The two match perfectly so I’ve never needed to think too long on this issue, but I can see how others would have conflicting loyalties to different emotions such as ‘This is unfair to single women and lesbians’.
Remember though; this is treatment to implant babies into women who are not successful using other methods, and it's only arguing about having it done FREE on the NHS - spending tax money on it. Originally it was for women in a couple who couldn’t have children naturally. Now it seems to have become everyone’s ‘right’ to have a child despite the fact if they are single, they are willfully not using the natural route to a family (having a male partner and starting a family) and lesbians are wilfully doing likewise by deleting the male option; they have access to males just as everyone else does, they just don't want to. In my view, if a lesbian couple want a child that badly, they should consider their sexuality and the implications thereof more deeply or perhaps privately do a deal with a willing male and have him father a child for one of the women (though personally this option would be immoral for me – but not some others).
The text above clearly states that the Liberal Democrats don’t want the NHS to 'hide behind' (i.e. recognise) the rules that are there because it’s been shown that the child’s best interests are served by having a Father in their lives. This is quite disturbing, because what this actually says is ‘We don’t want the science and the evidence to get in the way of us having what we want, when we want it – in the form of baby shopping’.
That deeply disturbs me, because they are willing to place a child’s life – and the welfare of that child SECOND to the desires of adults who consensually, one way or the other, have chosen NOT to have a family unit that includes a male. No one is discussing the rights of pairs where a male is present – merely pairs of females and single females or males.
It is my view that since nature has stated that a male and female are needed to procreate and studies show clearly that a male and female are the best possible environment to raise a child, to wilfully go against this with tax payer's money is pure selfishness and ‘I want so I’ll get’.
But I know the emotive response before I hear it – ‘Discrimination!’ Yes. I discriminate all the time. I choose not to do things which are proven to be unfair or stupid or not work best. I choose to for example, not buy a 3 grand hot tub because it’s not in my best financial interests, even though it IS what my desire is, to have it. I see the greater picture so I don’t go and blow 3 grand on the credit card and buy what I want.
I discriminate against war and against poverty. I discriminate against killing and violence. I discriminate against selfishness in adults using children like accessories to a fashion list of their own personal wants.
(Matthew 10:22-23 NKJV)
"And you will be hated by all for My name's sake.”
20 Remember how I told you that servants are not greater than their master. So if people mistreat me, they will mistreat you. If they do what I say, they will do what you say.
21 People will do to you exactly what they did to me. They will do it because you belong to me, and they don't know the one who sent me.
22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have no excuse for their sin.
23 Everyone who hates me also hates my Father.
24 I have done things that no one else has ever done. If they had not seen me do these things, they would not be guilty. But they did see me do these things, and they still hate me and my Father too.
25 That is why the Scriptures are true when they say, "People hated me for no reason."