This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Interview with author of Heteracil experiement

This is controvertial and interesting. I am not saying that I agree with it at all - just posting it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I used a calculator - smart people usually do

You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 9/10 correct!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

A simple statement

What can it mean to lose almost everything?

'Broken to be molded and crafted by the Master's hand. To be set anew.'

Why I don't 'do Hallow 'een'

Whatever you want to call it, I am going to use Halloween because it's simpler. But by this term, I am referring to the pagan festival of samhain, also known for it's similarly dated ancient christian evening, all hallows eve. However, we are not celebrating the evening of All Saints Day (which is a Christian, church date but one that's purely traditional and without any real baring on spiritual matters) , and why would we? A simple look at what we do on Halloween tells us exactly which ancient festival we are in fact celebrating. Halloween is not Christian, and it never has been to the honest reader.

My main, and fully secular reasons for being against modern day Halloween celebrations are as follows:

1. Consumer culture just sells us a whole load of junk we don't need, for another year. Most of it is the cheapest form of fancy dress.

2. Children running the streets. Some of it is harmless but many are unsupervised, which can and sadly has in the past led to children being attacked, mugged, harmed etc.

3. It teaches children that begging for things is good, alright and fun. Whilst this isn't the epitome of evil exactly, in my mind there are better ways to have fun and better lessons to teach kids.

4. Tricks and treats. 'If I don't get what I want, I will do something to you'. Most young kids going round with adults of course, do not do this. But as they grow older, they often see the inconsistancy in what they're doing - they're making a definate threat (Trick or treat, not oh let's walk away) and then not acting on it. When I was a teen, many used to get eggs cheap and drive around in cars or on foot, egging rival groups and houses. They even did this irrespective of any answers given at doors! Usually a giving house would be left alone though, unless hit by a random egging (of which there were plenty). Is this a good message to send out? Trick or treat sends an extremely dubious moral message, to any mindful adult.

5. Elderly and infirm folk have reported to the Police that many of them do feel threatened in their own homes. For many of them, getting to the door is a physical difficulty, and to then be faced with a group of teenagers or kids asking for something for free can be quite frightening, especially if the answer is no. Which is after all, their right. The door-knockers aren't earning their favour, and even if they were, it's not been requested.

6. Which brings me to my sixth point. Trick or treaters have done nothing to earn free stuff. Some of them and I do stress some, dress up. But so what? Did I ask for a fancydress-agram to come to my door? Unless it is a service that I requested, I shouldn't be expected to pay for it. If I want to give to them out of the goodness of my heart, then that's fine but it shouldn't be based around a threat. Once I opened my door and there were three lads about 16 standing there in sweat tops, hands in their pockets, just mummbling 'trick or treat, money or sweet'. I said sorry I do not celebrate halloween (I don't just do this anymore, I do more...) and they went away grumbling. I then heard something strike the door and window. It was a couple of eggs.

The Police and elderly action groups dislike trick or treating and the problems it can cause for crime and street activities, perpetuated by the tricker or treaters themselves and also against them!

Notice how the above have nothing to with any religious belief or philosophical standpoint. I reserve my religious and faith-based reasons for non participation for another post.

What were the chances? is a guy using 'that other online blogging tool' that is so very popular generally. He wrote a 'rant' (which is admittedly rather rude but was at least headlined as being a rant) at me and I found it online using Google's search facility by sheer chance.

I wrote him back and he's responded, so I've done my best to clarify exactly why I wrote what I did originally, especially concerning the fact that it's not about a hatred for operational science (which I love).

Hopefully we can leave the issue much more docile than it was first found on the BBC web site, reguardless of whether we agree at all or in part.

I don't have the time to get heavily into a detailed debate about the issue online, and also don't really have the qualifications. However, if he or anyone else wants to learn more about the subject or about the opinions of those who take the Bible literally concerning the age of the earth and all other matters without resorting to anti-science or extremism (please don't lump me with these people - I have a view, it doesn't make me a nutcase), feel free to do a search. I can give you a few pointers ;)

Friday, October 21, 2005

The new 'Politically Correct' Headmasters are:

Highbrow-Medium Brow, Hardhead-ToughMech, Brainstorm-Thought Shower, ChromeDome-MetalFolicle.

You've played too much Urban Dead when ...

The long-promised, simple little thing ...

You know you've played too much Urban Dead when:

1. You start to refer to things by only the first letter of what they're called, so a yob would be a Y, a child a C, an adult an A, a mosher a M, etc.

2. When logging into any other game, web site or playing a board game, you start getting nervous after taking several moves or looking at several web pages, for fear you might hit the 'server hit limit'.

3. When walking down the street, you assess passing houses for the most easy ones to access should there be a sudden zombie outbreak.

4. Someone picks a fight with you. Swinging blows, you frequently miss completely, then inexplicably pummel them all in a long row of 'lucky hits'.

5. Anyone whose name has the letter Z in it you start to eye suspiciously. Surely they are just being human for a while to aquire some 'human skills'? They're on the side of the zombies, really. It's so obvious.

6. You tell people that 'PK' no longer stands for 'Parkour'. In fact, it stands for 'Player Killing'. A 'PKer' is a bad thing, not a good thing!

7. People who stack chairs rather high in any venue such as a church at the end of a meeting, you harras and accuse them of 'over barricading'.

8. You do not speak very often at all. Speaking uses AP.

9. You type short and very scarce messages over IM systems such as ICQ or MSN. Speaking through typing definately uses AP!

10. Upon finding a locked church door, you become very confused and wander around, unsure of what's happened.

11. Beer or wine makes you better if you're sick or have a wound. Yes it does. Really.

12. Someone standing around outside a house or a building is 'obviously waiting for a chance to attack the barricades'. They must be stopped, and now.

13. Sticking a plaster to someone else might make you more experienced in life. You therefore raid the cupboards and start sticking. People complain. They must be zombie sympathisers so therefore you throw them outside and start barricading the doors. But not *too high*.

14. If someone is lying on the ground inside a place or house, you quickly toss their body out onto the street. If they sit up inside, that's bad news for everyone!

15. Whilst reading most books is pointless to you, reading poetry is exceptionally pointless, because it does nothing at all!

16. When in a Mall, you stick to one corner most of the time and try to loot stores. When approached by the security guards, you try to flee by using 'free running' out of the mall and into near by buildings.

17. And finally ... you start to hang around only in Pubs which are called 'the something arms'. Whilst there, you glance around in the hope that a shotgun or some shotgun shells might be found. If you can't see or find any, you moan to everyone else in the pub that 'search rates are an utter farce and you don't know why anyone puts up with this crap'.

I hope someone got a five second chuckle, anyway.

My big, sexy man!

His arms are covered in golden fur that gleams!
Eyebrows of multicoloured hair.
So soft is his skin, so strong and smooth,
Upon his strength, my body leans.

With sexy laughs and crazy scampering,
He makes the cooking and the tea.
Runs around and after pampering,
Finds time to come and nuzzle me.

A silly dance; a naughty word,
In the right light he only looks twenty.
So unpolished; so unperturbed,
As strong as any mighty sentry.

Dedicated to hobbies he loves,
This man is my hope and my bed to lie on!
With gentle kisses and playful shoves,
My man of God is always strong.

I love his body, his ways and his face,
I adore the contours of his form.
As subtle as a warrior's mace,
It's Ken - he's mine - from dusk til dawn.

An ode to my Sexy Big Man!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Ignite flares up for another term

Tonight during the local youth Bible study, praise and gathering known as 'Ignite' (Glue & Glue II for the younger ones) there was an incident during which I found myself the acting 'good cop' in a 'good cop, bad cop' scenario. It was a dangerous situation but thankfully I arrived in time to help out and Andy who is a Policeman, was there. Thank God for him because he was simply brilliant.

Basically a guy called Rich came into Ignite tonight to refuge from a group who also entered, ate the food and then got kicked out after declaring they wanted to shove this other guy's head in. Jess who was the girl of the group, started by saying he'd mugged her, but later admitted that was a lie. There were a lot of lies and exaggerations that night.

This group outside were doing a lot of big talking (I was insulted very badly the second I walked over there, which I dealt with by 'disarming verbally'), and it got physical after a while with Andy being tough on them. I was acting as 'good cop' and Andy (the real policeman) was 'bad cop' and was physically removing them and pushing them etc. He had to because they were needing it. They fled a bit several times (after trying to get back onto the property) then returned. In the end, Andy had to put an Act onto the girl there who was stirring, and she had to leave or face arrest. They ran off at this point and then stoned us by throwing stones from a driveway nearby on their route to go.

The stones all missed us but one hit and broke Mark's windscreen on his car (brand new). We had our backs to them when the first volley of stones came and it was a blessing and protection from God as far as I'm concerned, that not one of us was struck by a stone in the back of the head. There were two mums standing around talking to Andy and I at that point, and we were all technically vulnerable to the stones from behind.

At this point I told Andy what I'd seen (I saw the girl raising her arm for definite, and others as well in less detail) and he charged off to arrest the girl. I shadowed him from a distance as I was unsure what the rules are for civilian action unless provoked, but wanted to ensure Andy was safe.

He caught her but her boyfriend or male friend (who started the night by telling me he was gonna pound my effing face in and all that) got in the middle and separated them violently. Then the girl scarpered and the rest also ran before Andy could arrest the guy for stopping his arrest. I shadowed Andy to the end to ensure he was alright but didn't want to get too close in case I made it worse. If he'd been knocked down or under attack I would have gone straight in to intervene. I can't help it - that is just who I am. I would have helped at risk of my safety. I ain't made of glass. The guy kept asking me earlier could I take care of him and I told him that didn't matter; that yes I would defend myself but that I was not violent and that I wasn't going to engage with him in a debate about who was hard. He gave up and stopped at that point, but that was all earlier. I between them challenging Andy directly, I was able to talk to them a bit and try to calm the situation a little.

Then the on duty local cops came (Andy had called them earlier whilst I spoke to the kids trying to keep the peace, which I did in the main) and we had to do all the formal stuff; Jane had to make a statement I think.

In the meantime, Mark hears about his car window being cracked. He is cool though, and ministering to this guy Rich in the back. Rich gives his heart to the Lord and ends up being walked home by Mark. So at the end of the evening, we are one 'nice new car' down, and one soul up.

They were various ages, all under 18 though, I think. Mostly around 16 ish, and about 8 of them, maybe 9. One was on a push bike, and they were all male bar that one girl, whose name is Jess.

We are organising with the Youth Pastor and the up and coming church Pastor to get a team sorted out, so that we can continue to put things on for those who want to learn, and the few bad apples are dealt with. It is worth it though, it so is. And I am up for dealing with the problem young people.

We need to combine Street Level sometimes with Ignite, really. I told Mark this and he thinks it's a fantastic idea. That way, on weeks where it's kicking off up at the building, we stay on there as an outdoor team for the 'ruff outsiders'. When there is no one about, we shirk off and cover the town.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The proof of the pudding...

Sure; it's all in the eating. All of it. The whole chunk of lovely, delicious food.

Can't cook, is that right? WRONG!

Today, I was hungry. The Man was out of town for 48 hours - gasp! What to do? Starve? Drink only beer? Well ok...I admit I did drink beer (and tea, too).

But most importantly, I found some oregano and parmasan cheese flakes. Pouring a dusting of these onto chopped up, de-fatted & smoked bacon with smoked ham also thrown in, with cut up tomatoes and a whisked egg (ok, it was a knifed egg). I think that was it. I put it all together in a glass bowl and whirled it around. No mess. Yeah, baby!

Then, into the hot pan it went. Tossing and turning occured. It cooked up real nice. I break in half three pita breads with corriander and garlic in the bread. The contents of the pan, once cooked is stuffed into each half.

I get tea, and beer. Then down on the sofa I go, with Smackdown! on the telly in front of me, complete with Kim Kaze's evening special!

I gotta' tell you, those bad boys were hella' tasty!