This contains the thoughts, ramblings, laments, musings, rants, works of fact and fiction, journal entries and other random pieces of human food for thought, all fresh from the mind of one Kim Kaze - a British person with a penchant for the unusual, edgy and supernatural. What I bring may not be everybody's cup of tea ... but there again I can only bring you what I have; and this my friends, is me.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Friends in strange places ...

Friends coming back from Oxford and Mattersey, it all feels so strange. Brothers going away, others starting work. It's all so strange.

Fact is, many things change but what really matters, the undercurrents - they stay the same. You can depend on those things to always be there.

We all suffer from stress and challenges from time to time. We feel helpless and tossed around by the waves of life. But we need to look to what God has set for us ahead in our pathway and though we don't always see further than today alone, sometimes that is all we can handle. If we knew what tomorrow held, perhaps we would never arrive in it.

Hang on to what is good. Do not call good evil, and evil good. Taste and SEE what is truely good. By their FRUITS you shall know them. A foul-tasting fruit grows on a foul-tasting tree.

The tongue has within it the power of life and death, he who cannot control their tongue is like a wild boar, destructive and easily influenced by carnal urges. They will bring DEATH and destruction to any household that makes their peace with them.

Have NO PART of such people.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A date with Ken ... in Wales

Yep, that's right.

Ken and I went out on saturday to a wrestling show staged by Celtic Wrestling ( It was one of their 'adult' shows, which meant swearing and adult themes allowed. Metal bands played the interval and show end off, and they were pretty darm good.

The main reason for going was to have a wonderful drive through Wales, enjoy meeting Ken's wrestling friends and get back out there hot on the scene.

I convinced Ken to ask to bump in the ring and he had a brief go - loved it. Apparently several folk asked if he might work the show or a future show, which means that nobody's forgotten my Big Man! :D

Ken thoroughly enjoyed himself and fitted right in. I enjoyed it also and was subtle most of the time, making sure Ken had drinks and hot dogs, and was enjoying himself. It was a great 'date' and I can't wait till the next one!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Another new job

Yes, I've got another new job. Went to two interviews, one after the other. The first one I came second and lost out narrowly on experience to a better, older worker. That's fair enough and I accept that totally.

The second I was given. Not bad, eh? Time to celebrate with my HUSBAND, who I will be going out with tomorrow and also for Mad Eli's birthday - he practically is forcing us to both go. I think he likes hanging out with us because we don't give him any of that ageism rubbish.

Notice in particular the way that I managed to state all of the above without using a swear word. Yes uneducated/angry people, it really is possible. Try it some time.

So, times are a rollin'. Looks like once again, I can support my family as everyone ought to, equally. Girls - if we want equality, we got to work for it and I for one have always been up for that. Don't think so? Check the old CV.

I think the word at this point is 'Hurrah'.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Two nights of heavy dreaming

For two or more nights now, I know that I've been heavily dreaming in a memory sort of way. Two dreams, one last night and the other the night before though, stand out as memories.

The first one was definately a repeat dream that is scattered through time (i.e. I keep having dreams in the same location every so often). It's some sort of camping site or beach combined somehow. There's buildings, grassy areas and sandy areas too. There is also some orange lantern decorated cafe-resturant place, with a name that escapes me just now. People eat and drink there.

On this occasion, some army bully boys were starting something with some friends of mine. We were just sitting to be served and they were already there and leaving after their meal. Food appeared to be the largest single chip that I have ever seen!

I stood up and started shoving over this table, and then another ad the army guys came over all stalking and threatening behaviour. I felt this stern gleam come over my eyes and I just went into that zone where fear becomes irrelevent.

They mostly walked up to me and then left the resturant, chewing and chuckling but not laying a hand on me or the guy they were previously bullying. I stood above the door which was a grassy archway somehow, this whole courtyard place was outdoor.

I watched them all leave bar the sargeant type one in charge. He had a huge long chin and blonde hair. he seemed quite cocky and he stood below me looking up. I glared down at him and then hopped down to meet his gaze on his level. I could feel the hard anger and the readiness to fight in my dream. I was so ready to go.

He said something pretty basic and I just snorted and said something back such as 'Well bring it if you've got it 'cause I am fed up with all the talking'.

Then he did leave and at that point I woke up, feelign so ready to take on the world in a fight it was weird.


The second dream last night (the one just gone) was also strange. It went on for ages and I don't remember that much about it bar it was some sort of Goonies take off. I was one of a bunch of kids about 12-15 years old on the run from adults who represented some sort of law, maybe Police. There was a key team leader of the adults we were set against. I think we had something or someone of value they wanted, and we were hiding out somewhat in this old, dark, brownish structure which appeared to be an old building disused in the main, but full of floors and different rooms full of odd and useful things.

I recall we had some sort of hard to get to den on the top floor of this building and the dream ended with us running up there for the second or third time in succession to hide, and being followed.

There was a lot of hatch opening, slow door movement and struggling to get away.

In the end, we did seem to get caught up with but the adults couldn't simply grab us because we hid what they were looking for. One by one we were taken into custody and put on a train to get out of here, though some of us were herded (like me) and not actually physically touched. I remember ordering some sofa cushions in the den on the floor to hide trap doors etc.

Even once we'd been found we seemed to still be able to make runs for it, etc. It was a very hard to explain experience, but extremely cool to dream. The last thing I recall was watching a fat kid being dropped off home in the snow at some sort of rundown chinatown or gastown like place, and bouncing back (don't ask me where this ninja stuff came from!) from the tracks of the train up a short hill to his run down house, calling back to me 'Look out for what we hid!'

I looked from him on the right of the tracks to the left, behind us on this train or tram, that had just come out of a rocky tunnel, which held up a hill where this guy's house stood.

On the left of the tracks, laying in the grassy mess there, was a pile of EPW title belts. I smirked - the loot was stashed. I am pretty certain this wasn't all the adults were looking for (I think it was us plus several pieces of loot), or maybe the thign they were after switched around and kept changing in the dream, it's possible. Either way, it ended with Ken softly awaking me from the dream as the train carried on and my character continued his plotting. I am always a guy in these sort of dreams.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I am tired

Stretched like a rubber band,
Thin like wire,
Hot muscles on heavy bones.
Spinning head,
Clumsey fingers,
Growl and stalk the house around.

I am tired.
I am shattered.
I need to be held, massaged, put to bed.

I need to hear a silky song,
Feel warm bedclothes
Against my skin.
A soft cat's fur,
Or just a cuddle.
Anything that doesn't demand of me.

Anything soft, anything silky.
I am tired.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

It's good to be The King

Yes you do, oh yes you do ...

It's usually good to be The King, baby.

Home is my castle, inhabited by the King & Queen of hardcore.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Don't like blogs? Then DON'T READ 'EM!

Heh heh. You know, there was a time when I actually thought I'd heard the most rambling, inane and crazy banter known to man ...

Everyone is wrong once in a while, and far more frequently than they'd be willing to admit, I'm sure.

If you don't like public blogs, the concent of the online diary or daily musing place which describe semi personal details about the life and times of it's writer; their thoughts & concerns, don't READ IT. It's very simple, really. If you're a private person and being public scares you like a girl - don't be public and don't whine when other people are. It's really that simple, bee.

Speaking of which, on Doctor's orders I am now healthier and fitter than ever and quite considering an EPW return, though I do not consider myself a wrestler any more than Tajiri's style makes one a 'wrestler' more so than a martial artist.

I am not a wrestler. I am a fighter who likes wrestling. Deal with it, darlings. Oh; and I can also write & act. That must just bug some people - that and the fact that I achieved anything in the first place and went out there and just did it, not caring what other, less secure people thought.

Heh heh. Still, at least I have something to laugh my head off about, eh?

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Studying hard

Yep, it's that time again.
A lot of my friends are taking exams at various levels, none more important to me of course than my own Husband Ken, who is taking some GCSEs right now, and I wish him all the best in that.

Go Big Man! :D

PS: <-- That's my rarely ever used LJ.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Five Years of smirking warfare

Today, we celebrate FIVE YEARS of our marriage; Ken and I.

My Husband and I have fought off all comers, all problems and continue to battle our way through the difficult life that is ours. No we haven't had it easy. We certainly haven't found it simple at all. In fact, it's hard as hell. But we commited before God and in the eyes of witnesses that we, as fighters, heroes and Christians, would win out over this life and all it's circumstances.

I love My Husband. He is my Big Man. Ken is a private person though and doesn't usually share his thoughts in public such as the net, so you'll only have here my own thoughts to contend with :)

We went out and ate sushi etc. at a Japanese resturant. My Mum drove us up there and my brother Jazz and our mutual friend Mat Owen, collected us in Jazz's car. We both had a lot to eat and also green tea.

We said we loved each other and kissed.

Another great day in the grand progression of life. Gifts have been given to me by girls at work, who don't seem to want me to go. I will sorely miss them when I leave 'the house' on Sunday morning.