A set of dreams ...
You probably aren't reading, I mean why would anyone who actually needs to know the contents of this blog ever read it. That would take a miracle!
I believe in miracles.
The dream bits that I can still recall are the following:
1. There's a river. It is playfully shallow and not that wide. Sort of 'park river' sized. Some of us (and I do not know who us is) were baling into the river, and for some reason Karen Miles was there too (I never usually dream about folk from work). We aren't concerned for some reason about being in the water. I remember climbing out and grinning. I think someone led or shoved me in there.
2. We are in the underground network, trying to get through the gates to get on a train. The tunnels are all lined with white, ceramic tiling and the guard is telling us 'you ain't getting on there now, it's the night service'. A light goes off and then another comes on, illuminating a panel that shows we can now only go through to the night service. Our saver tickets are all wrong now. The panel is long and oblong shaped, reaching like a low, solid farm gate along through the tunnel, making it so we cannot get to the righthand side and down that passageway.
3. This is the coolest part, the climbing and the insane jumps. It is like a dream inspired by Parkour and/or superman. Inside the underground is one, giant laberynth of industrial pipes, tall towers, brickwork, etc. Something out of mario brothers the movie meets smallville's luthorcorp plant, meets the underground. There seems to be people everywhere in areas, who cannot get any farther or just aren't going to try, etc. It is populated and there are train drivers/guards dictating stuff to folk and what they should do now.
I see Ken going ahead of me and shout out, chasing him. For some reason, people have to grab onto pipes and stuff, and then swing out over seriously huge gaps to the next section, tower, run or rail of pipes, etc. It is crazy and yet - no one seems to think it's unfair.
Nobody seems to fall or cock up! There is no screaming and one bloke has this stack of HP printer high quality paper between his legs and he seems to be abal to swing out with it between there and carry the whole stack, which is huge, across this gap to another tower.
I seem to be the only person who sees the danger or who is concerned about all this jumping/swinging/climbing.
I think you get the general idea. Wouldn't it be cool if we could videotape dreams?