I had another memorable dream last night.This time it seemed to be based around the old Oasis building in Keynsham town centre, which our church used to own. Only...there was:a) a shore line just there as well as a taller brick building andb) a kind of bus-pulling-up-to-pick-up area where the co op is.I remember Ben and Will being in this dream, as well as a local, retired-now Policeman who was the Father of a guy in my class in junior school. IRL I saw him recently washing his car.Basically, the brick building was some sort of club point, I think. A lot seemed to revolve around waiting for these number 8 to the city centre buses to show up for us to get on to. Matt Kelly was also there and seemed to know about all these mysterious buses that I never knew existed!I was freaking out about getting into town for some interview or whatever (which funnily enough, is exactly what I am doing today). In the end, I forgot all my important papers and had to go back. I don't remember actually going back, and in fact I did travel this mysterious bus route in the dream at least once, because it wasn't just over one day. But time wasn't so pure in this dream; it seemed to skip and confuse days and the passage of time itself was unclear.We all seemed to like being around this brick structure, though. I don't remember Ben or Matt doing anything significant other than being present and what I've already mentioned. On the other hand, I seemed to go and climb up onto the brick roof and lounge, looking out across a dark sea and a short, wooden, dark pier (without attractions, just storehouses and nothing of any interest).I remember looking to pull out a smart, ladylike top and pulling out a red one which didn't really fit (this is a REAL top I actually own). I ranted at Will or whoever was there, possibly Matt actually, that I really wanted the purple one! In the end, I think I found the purple one, though I am not sure.I was then looking out in to the night upon this lovely, deep and dark sea scene. There was a stoney, pebbled beach area just below and stretching off from this brick place, which seemed to attract adults (this is why I thought it was a club or something) but was only a few metres deep before the still sea began.Anyway, there were a lot of adults chilling and meeting down there. Me; I was watching a wooden ladder we use sometimes for EPW wrestling IRL floating in the water and just amazed at how incredibly beautiful this water in the dark was.I think I threw the ladder in at this stage ...Will showed up with some of his mates who I didn't know, who then left him. He was clearly drunk and merry as a bell, laughing and climbed on the brick structure. I warned him, but he just laughed and then dived into the dark water.I then threw in this ladder (which is when I remember seeing it in the water, I think) because it is wooden and therefore floats (though I don't think IRL it would, but that was the 'dream science bit') and dived in after him, soaking myself. The funny thing? I got scared as I entered the dark water and then realised I didn't feel wet yet! So I collected Will somehow from the water and dragged him to shore, which wasn't very far. He seemed still happy and totally unaware that he was in any sort of actual danger.I then realised my trousers and top were soaking wet, but still felt only wet, not heavy and sodden.The local Policeman (who seemed a lot younger in this dream, and his face resembled thw WWE Wrestler Dave Batista's face) came over to check on what was going on and Will apologised drunkenly to him and tried to be civil and greet, say he meant nothing by it, etc. The cop then looked at me and smiled a bit and shook his head and asked me, "Why are you hanging around with someone like this, hmm? You know you can do better than this, George. Seriously. Be careful who you hang around with, this type will land you in a lot of trouble, you know." That's a paraphrase from memory, but it's the general gist and the way he also said it. I was co operative and nodded and accepted his advice, but I didn't disown Will and commited to sticking with him, though I think what Mr Jones said stuck in my head and I understood from his outsider PoV, I was perhaps making a dumb choice.
Will seemed to then hang out with me and I told him about the roof. I don't rememeber if we went up there, but I think I then spent time with him up there and I ended up telling him about how peaceful this dark water was to look out over and how it would be peaceful for him to do so. I believe he ended up trying it and was impressed.
I don't know anything else,really. It was a complete dream experience, but the reality was skewed and time didn't flow naturally, nor did the people's locations or the real life locations. However, it wasn't trippy or completely whacked out either.